Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Eco-Friendly Bag

Before I became I vegetarian, my small contribution to saving the environment is to use less plastic bags. I have acquired a small collection of free reusable bags in different sizes from stores such as Clarins, Pearly Gates, Steve Madden, etc.

Sometimes, though, I find it inconvenient to stash one of these rather bulky reusable bags inside my handbag. I have been tempted time and again to purchase a cute and compact one but was always too cheap to actually buy one.

So I was ecstatic when I got a free compact reusable bag from Kee Wah Bakery after purchasing many boxes of mooncakes to give away during the Mid-Autumn Festival last year. And since then this free bag has been put to good use. I use it when I go grocery shopping, and I brought it with me to Thailand last year and was able to save many, many plastic bags when I went on an unplanned shopping spree in The Platinum Mall.
(My free Kee Wah Bakery reusable bag on the right.)

Finally, a few days ago, I saw an eco-friendly bag in Citysuper that I couldn't resist buying. The size of the bag is smaller than the regular reusable shopping bag and it comes in bright shades of blue, purple, pink, green and orange at a very affordable price of HKD 12 each. I got one in pink to match my lovely graffiti handbag tee-hee, and Mom got one in purple.
(My new reusable bag compared to the standard Citysuper plastic bag.)

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