Sunday, September 26, 2010

Making Progress

Recently I:

1. Joined a styling workshop with Noel Manapat in iAcademy. I will tell more about this once I have completed all 8 sessions. So far, we have observed the preparations for a mini fashion show and discussed various inspirations for styling.

2. Went to my first charity event in Dreamland with Tzu Chi, the organization responsible for the successful separation of the conjoined twins from Cebu. Activities included cleaning up the place, reading to kids and feeding them, and giving away goods. Hopefully, this is just the beginning of my involvement here.
I can also tick off driving from my list as I expect to be going about on my own really, really soon. It's turning out to be quite a good year, and I have one more quarter to tick off a few more things from my 2010 list. How about you, how has your year been so far?

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